• ul. Dworcowa 19, 58-560 Jelenia Góra
  • zorka@zorka.pl
  • +48 75 64 66 300


Electricity from RES sources

We buy electricity that comes from renewable sources.

Wood raw materials and wood-based materials from sustainably managed sources.

All wood and wood-based raw materials used in our production come from sustainably managed sources, certified by FSC® (FSC ® C127140).



What is FSC ®?

FSC (Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC ® C127140)) is a forest management organisation. It certifies forest products such as furniture, paper, floor coverings, windows, doors, musical instruments and wood-free products of forest origin such as maple syrup, rubber and Brazil nuts. The scope of operation of the certificate covers only the first stage of the production chain – raw material acquisition. Over 148 million hectares of forests worldwide (about five times the size of Poland) are currently certified according to FSC standards.

The main criteria of FSC

  • protection against illegal use and development of forest areas
  • ensuring the right to use forest resources of indigenous peoples and local communities
  • protecting the health and safety of forest workers
  • sustainable harvesting of forest resources, not exceeding a level that will permanently prevent their renewal
  • protection of rare and endangered species and their habitats
  • reduce the use of chemical plant protection products (in particular pesticides), fertilisers and biological control products
  • prohibition of the introduction of genetically modified organisms in forestry operations
  • strict control and monitoring of the use of species of foreign origin
  • preservation or improvement of forests of particular protective value
  • the ban on the creation of new plantations at the expense of natural and semi-natural forests

We optimise production processes

so they are as energy-intensive as possible and produce as little production waste as possible. In addition, our production waste is recycled.