• ul. Dworcowa 19, 58-560 Jelenia Góra
  • zorka@zorka.pl
  • +48 75 64 66 300

Offer to sell real estate



PLN 4,300,000.00 net (machinery not included)


Jelenia Góra, ul. Dworcowa 19


Property Description

A plot of land with an area of 14,681 m² (including 3,320 m² leased from a private owner with the possibility of rewriting the lease and 1,084 m² leased from the city - right-of-way). The property is located directly on a public road. The whole area is fenced with three entrance gates.

The areas designated in the local spatial development plan as P, U - production development areas, warehouses, and service development.

The plan provides for this area in terms of the principles of development and land development indicators:

  1. Primary purpose – production buildings, including buildings related to crafts, warehouses, warehouses, service buildings, including commercial buildings with a sales area of up to 2000 m2;

  2. Secondary use:

  • technical infrastructure networks, facilities and equipment,

  • associated infrastructure,

  • pedestrian routes, cycle routes, accesses and accesses, parking places,

  • small architecture with a maximum height up to the highest point of the building – 2.5 m,

  • internal roads with a right-of-way width of not less than 10.0 m, with a minimum distance of 5.0 m between buildings and the boundary of the right-of-way of the internal road,

  • garages, including multi-storey garages and/or detached and/or built-in garage buildings.


Shop floors with buildings with a total area of 5,064 m² (including 648 m² on leased space), located in buildings:


1. PRODUCTION AND STORAGE BUILDING (B-1) with a usable area of 294 m²:

  • a single-storey building without a basement, monolithic reinforced concrete columns, and wooden roof covered with tar paper.

  • external brick walls, Suporex 24 cm thick

  • concrete floor, PVC windows, steel doors, central heating from the municipal network, compressed air system, lighting, water and sewage system.

2. WORKSHOP BUILDING (B-2) with usable area of 484 m²:

  • a single-storey building without a basement, monolithic reinforced concrete columns, and a roof of prefabricated concrete slabs covered with tar paper.

  • external brick wall, Suporex 24 cm thick

  • concrete floor, PVC windows, steel doors, central heating from the municipal network, compressed air system, lighting, water and sewage system, toilets

3. PRODUCTION AND STORAGE BUILDING (B-3) with a useable area of 216 m²:

  • a single-storey building without a basement, monolithic reinforced concrete columns, roof made of prefabricated concrete slabs covered with tar paper.

  • external brick walls, Suporex 24 cm thick

  • Concrete floor, steel windows, steel doors, central heating from the municipal network, compressed air installation, lighting, water and sewage system.

4. PRODUCTION AND STORAGE BUILDING (B-4) with a usable area of 2,046 m²:

  • a two-storey building with no basement, monolithic reinforced concrete columns, and prefabricated concrete slab roof covered with tar paper and asbestos-cement roofing material.

  • external brick walls, Suporex 24 cm thick

  • concrete floor, reinforced concrete staircase, PVC windows, steel gate, central heating from the municipal network, compressed air installation, lighting, water and sewage system, and toilet.

5. Central Heating and Boiler House Building (B-4K) with a usable area of 258 m²:

  • a single-storey building without a basement, monolithic reinforced concrete columns, and a roof of prefabricated concrete slabs covered with tar paper.

  • external brick walls, Suporex 24 cm thick

  • concrete floor, PVC windows, steel gate, central heating from the municipal network, compressed air installation, lighting, water and sewage system, and toilet.

6. PRODUCTION AND STORAGE BUILDING (B-5) with a usable area of 838 m²:

  • a single-storey building with no basement, mixed construction, monolithic reinforced concrete columns, timber roof in prefabricated lattice trusses, and trapezoidal sheet metal roofing.
  • Suporex external brick walls are 24 cm, and the ceiling is made of double plate drywall 12.5 mm on a steel grate.

  • PVC windows, wooden gates, central heating from the municipal network, compressed air installation, and lighting.

7. STORAGE CANOPY (B-6) with a usable area of 280 m²:

  • a steel single-storey structure, footings: concrete, roof: steel trusses, covered with asbestos-cement roofing material, columns: steel, ground surface: hardened,
  • walls: Suporex 24 cm thick and plastered steel double-leaf entrance gate.

8. STORAGE CANOPY (B-7) with a usable area of 648 m² (leased area):

  • a single-storey steel structure, concrete ceilings, roof trusses, covered with asbestos-cement roofing material, columns: steel, ground surface: partially paved with concrete block.

9. CONTAINER TRANSFORMER STATION (B-10) with a usable area of 11.33 m², 20/0.4kV with a 630kVA transformer and a low voltage switchgear.

10. DRYERHOUSE No. 1 (11), 200 m³ - water heating, source ECO Jelenia Góra.

11. DRYERHOUSE No. 2 (12), 340 m³ - water heating, source ECO Jelenia Góra.

12. DRYERHOUSE No. 3 (13), 340 m³ - water heating, source ECO Jelenia Góra.


The plant has an efficient machine park in the field of furniture processing, among others:

  • Painting – spray paint line (Cefla), edge painting station (LWP), for spray paints,
  • Wood drying – three drying chambers from KATRES (conventional dryers with a total volume of approx. 880 m³),


In technical matters
Wiesław Kraczkowski
Tel. 75 64 66 308
Tel. kom. 607 539 737
Email. wieslaw.kraczkowski@zorka.pl

In the case of submitting an offer
Joanna Bartkowiak
Tel. 75 64 66 300
Tel. kom. 605 233 446
Email. zorka@zorka.pl

This announcement does not constitute an offer within the meaning of the Civil Code but is only an invitation to conclude a contract.