Nagrody i wyróżnienia

In 2013, ZORKA Sp. z o. o. ranked third in the Forbes Diamonds category of companies with a PLN 50 – 250 million revenue range in the Lower Silesian Province. In 2017, ZORKA was again included in the prestigious group of 'Forbes Diamonds 2017'. This title confirms its position among the best companies in the Polish market. Forbes Diamonds is an annual ranking of companies that have increased their value most dynamically in the last three years.
Forbes Diamonds, 3rd place in the ranking

In 2013, ZORKA Sp. z o. o. was ranked third in the Forbes Diamonds category of companies with a PLN 50 – 250 million revenue range in Lower Silesian Province.
In 2017, ZORKA was again included in the prestigious group of 'Forbes Diamonds 2017'. This title confirms its position among the best companies in the Polish market.
Forbes Diamonds is an annual ranking of companies that have most dynamically increased their value in the last three years.
Puls Biznesu, Membership in the elite club of Business Gazelles

In the ranking of the largest furniture manufacturers of the monthly magazine "Business" ZORKA was ranked 34th nationwide and 3rd in the Lower Silesia province. The ranking is based on the following criteria:
- total debt ratio
- current liquidity ratio.